With all the trends going on, can they bring back people having morals, people being loyal (not just saying they're loyal, but showing that they are, too), and a media showing respect for people who earned the respect and not propping up those who didn't earn the respect? You'd think they'd bring trends like true loyalty (not fake people who claim to be loyal but they really aren't) and true morality back since they want to make everything like our nationalities and what we are TRENDS. They should add loyalty, respect and morality into the mix, not just woke political correctness and fake science.
It honestly baffles me how dense the Democrat base is. I live in California and they still can't convince me of anything other than the fact that there is no free living utopia that they promised. We're getting paid $16 - $30/hr and they're charging us $3,000 a month rent and $4 Million Dollar homes and the fake experts call this "affordable." It's basic math to decide which side I'm on. At least rent in Republican states was $300-$600 a month for a whole apartment with roommates and I had my own room in Republican states! WOW. I have to share a room with relatives to have that price in California. I'm paying affordable rent but having to live with 8 people and work two jobs for affordable rent in Cali. Free living utopia my ass.