People who disown people just because we have different opinions than them.
People who ask people for money but they don't pay people back and they don't even try to pay people back.
It's okay to ask people for money if we both pay each other back.
Women who post 1,000s of half naked pictures of themselves on IG and that's all they ever post and nothing else. We get it -- they think they're like the "finest" thing ever. /Rolls eyes. Same thing with men who do that shit. It's okay once in a while to brag about how good we look but it's ridiculous when I see some people's IGs and all they post is 1,000 half naked pictures of themselves and nothing else. Those people need to get some class.
People who care more about pronouns rather than solving the homelessness/poverty crises. At least they have their ALL GENDER BATHROOM SIGNS. WHO CARES ABOUT THE POOR LIVING IN RVs and living on the side of the road.
These teeny bopper haters online who make fake anonymous pages to harass celebrities and people on. It's like get a damn life. They have too much time on their hands creating 1,000s of anonymous spam pages as if they have nothing better to do on Tiktok and Instagram.
Those porn bots on Instagram that spam porn comments everywhere. Whoever creates those fake porn bot pages need to get a life.
Parents that give their minor children fancy iPhones that have Internet on it and they don't supervise their minor children on the Internet that are creating hate pages about celebrities and people.
People who say we should accept everyone's differences but they're the same people who make hate posts about anyone that's remotely different than them.
People who call other people liars when they're the ones lying. For example: democrats have always lied to us so it's amusing at best that they sit there calling Trump and Republicans liars. Democrats have never kept one single promise from cancelling student debt to 15 days to slow the spread and they have the nerve to call other people liars.
People who don't take responsibility for their actions and they blame everyone else for why their life sucks or why they can't get into places that celebrities can get into.
People who don't tell people that they're with someone -- example like how the old actor guy from 2019 never told me he had a girlfriend and she was the one who messaged me as if I had done something when it was her lying boyfriend who never told anyone he's with someone. Thank GOD I never hooked up with that guy. I knew he was hiding a girlfriend.
Ghosting -- if someone isn't interested all they have to say is they're not feeling it anymore. I can't stand how one day I was hanging out with people all fine and all of a sudden I never heard from them again and I don't know what happened to them or if they're alive or dead -- they just vanished without a trace.
People with corrupt pasts who think they can judge others for "not acting right." Example: the democrat celebrities who sit there virtue signaling everyone meanwhile they had a bad rep in their past, so who the fuck are they to tell us how to act.
The fake news media giving false medical advice saying we need to take boosters/shots. I've known more people to die from the shots than dying from COVID. They can make up any old numbers just to scare people to take the medicine they don't need.
People who are ignorant to the truths of they don't want to accept the fact there are two genders and they would rather live in their delusions and they want us to play their politically correct pronoun term games. Or they don't want to accept the fact that God exists because they need "proof" of it -- well my future husband Zac and I are the living proof that God exists and we found each other because we are the ones who have the same souls.
Politicians telling us how to live yet they couldn't care less about the homeless people that's been on the streets since forever ago.
The Democrats lying about gender. There's only two genders it's a fact of life that can't be changed. Women can't be men and men can't be women. Women menstruate and have periods. Men will never give birth. That's that. I don't know WHY there's even a debate about this whole gender thing to begin with. People wanting to be genders they'll never be is a sickness and shouldn't be hailed as heroes. I always wondered what it would be like to be a guy and what a blow job feels like but you know what, I accept the fact that I'll never have a penis and I'm proud to be a biological woman.
People who honk at every little thing on the road -- like get a life and look around to see why there's a hold up instead of honking at people thinking people are "purposely" not driving.
People who take other people's parking spots when they knew people were waiting for the parking spot first.
People who aren't considerate of others needing to back out and leave from the parking lot yet lecturing me to look behind my car to make sure their child isn't behind my car when their child shouldn't have been behind my car in the first place since they have their own parking spot to unload their groceries in and I don't know why they were in my way so I couldn't back out then they want to lecture me for not looking.
Me having to tell someone to move from behind my car when they saw my car lights turn on and they knew I was getting ready to leave so I don't know why I had to even tell them to move when they saw me getting ready to leave. And then they're rude to me when they were in the wrong.